In this Joint Venture (JV), corporate donors provide the backbone of funding being secured by REF and provided to LAWFF to support the activities necessary to accomplish the objectives listed. LDWF’s history of success in restoring the habitats noted has been instrumental in moving the needle in positive direction for the long-term benefits to the state’s wildlife and fisheries resources, as well as the human resources that take advantage of the opportunities provided to enjoy those resources in the Sportsman’s Paradise. LDWF will also continue to provide internal funding to secure habitat needs across the state, working through this JV and other partnerships to secure grants and funding to support these activities, thus increasing and enhancing existing habitats through the various programs offered to private landowners.

The Louisiana Wild Habitats Joint Venture invites you to join in this cooperative endeavor to sustain the wildlife and fisheries resources for future generations. Your consideration of this endeavor and willingness to enter into negotiations is the first step to beginning our due diligence.

For more information contact by email:

Kenny Ribbeck: kribbeck@gmail.com
Missy Fox: mfox@lawff.org

    To provide an additional 200,000 acres of restored wildlife habitats to LDWF’s Wildlife Management Area (WMA) system while securing carbon emissions from the atmosphere and environmental enhancements through reforestation and improved forest management based upon Desired Forest Conditions for Wildlife and the Louisiana Wildlife Action Plan.

    Acceptance of donations (cash, land, other assets) through the LAWFF, a 501 (C) (3) non-profit organization (EIN 72-1314968). Fee title acquisition of agricultural lands near/adjacent to LDWF existing ownership, followed by restoration to forested habitat conditions.

    To provide a solution for removing carbon emissions from the atmosphere through reforestation and enhancement/ restoration of wildlife habitats on private lands.

    Acquisition and acceptance of Green Attributes Easements on agricultural lands, maintained in private ownership, with assistance to the landowner in restoration of forested habitats on the property and long-term enhancement guidance in wildlife habitat management.

  • Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries Foundations (LAWFF) was established in 1995 as a non-governmental organization to enhance and encourage public enjoyment and use of the wildlife and fisheries resources in Louisiana. As such, LAWFF seeks donations to support the educational, research and management activities of the LDWF, while promoting wise use and enjoyment of Louisiana’s wildlife and fisheries resources.

  • LDWF’s Master Plan for the WMA System includes the continued acquisition of lands, through fee title acquisition or conservation easements, to address the threats identified in the State Wildlife Action Plan. Government funding for these activities has been limited, yet LDWF has established over 1.5 million acres of WMAs and Refuges across Louisiana primarily due to donations of property and reinvestment of revenues derived from these properties into additional acquisitions and management of those lands.


  • Since Hurricane Katrina’s devastating blow to the coastal area of SE Louisiana in 2005, Restore the Earth Foundation has been focused on forest restoration in coastal Louisiana, initially working with USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, then bringing in various corporate partners to provide funding support for the extensive work ahead. In 2011, REF began working with LDWF on restoring bald cypress to historical coastal forestlands as well as new lands established through coastal restoration activities on LDWF-owned WMAs. The successes of these operations have led to expansion of restoration activities to other areas identified as threatened in Louisiana’s Wildlife Action Plan, including the Lower Mississippi Alluvial Valley, the Gulf Coastal Plain Longleaf Pine, and the Gulf Coast Prairie ecoregions within Louisiana.

    REF brings funding support of corporate donors, interested in pursuing opportunities for carbon sequestration through restoration of critical native habitats.
