Beyond BOW Workshop Application
Deer Hunt on Floy McElroy WMA
December 3-5, 2021

Sponsored by the Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries Foundation and the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries


You must have taken the Firearms and Firearm Safety course at a previous BOW or taken the Hunter Certification Course offered by the state. Additionally, you must have taken the Bucks and Does course (once called Intro To Deer Hunting) at a previous BOW or Mini BOW. The Beyond BOW deer hunts are intended to introduce and teach novices about deer hunting.  For that reason, experienced deer hunters and participants that have attended a previous Louisiana BBOW deer hunt and while on this BBOW hunt either shot at or harvested a deer are ineligible to apply.  For purposes of eligibility for these hunts, a novice deer hunter is defined as: a person who has harvested no more than 2 deer and/or other big game animal (elk, antelope, bear, moose, etc.) in their lifetime.